Uffici in affitto a via Monte Napoleone 8, 20121

Servizi di questo spazio di lavoro
  • Monitoraggio telecamere a circuito chiuso 24 ore
  • Aree relax
  • Centro città
  • Assistenza diurna
  • Ascensore
  • Principali collegamenti di trasporto
  • Sale riunioni
  • Accesso a Internet ad alta velocità
  • Climatizzazione
  • Studio videoconferenze
Uffici da
Spazio ufficio
Uno spazio pratico per team di tutte le dimensioni
a partire da 700 persona/mese
Scrivanie per coworking
 Prezzo su richiesta
Descrizione dell'ufficio
The Business Centre is located in via Montenapoleone, the most famous luxury-shopping street in Milan, also known as Italy’s fashion district. The street is full of refined and renowned boutiques but also participates of a vibrant culture that dates back to the founding of the city. Besides the luxury fashion, in via Monte Napoleone you can experience an authentic craftsmanship tradition by visiting historical bars such as Caffé Cova, the literary café located at the corner of Piazza della Scala that used to be frequented by intellectuals in the XIX century, and the historical pastry shop Pasticceria Marchesi. From the Business Centre you can easily reach the biggest attractions of the Milan's city centre: Piazza Duomo and Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II are only 10 minutes' walk away.

via Monte Napoleone 8, 20121

Spazio ufficio
a partire da 700 persona/mese
Scrivanie per coworking
Prezzo su richiesta
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